about me
Born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Larissa “LCD Scripts” De Luca found emotional solace and refuge in the magical realm of story-telling & cinema when her life turned upside down. She began her journey by self-teaching; reading countless books on end and analyzing just as many films. When she felt ready to take her talents to the next level, she enrolled in filmmaking courses at New York Film Academy and Vancouver Film School. But that wasn’t enough! She dreamt even bigger and wanted to receive training from the most magical movie-making land of all: California. So she enrolled in Los Angeles Film School & graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Writing for Film & Television. Even though her journey led her to some pretty scary places - like facing the blank page - she persevered and came out on top, with many successes along the way. She took her talents to the Toronto International Film Festival (2022-2024) and to the Austin Film Festival (2024) where she embarked on the first steps of her goal of becoming a screenwriter. Currently, LCD Scripts is on a mission to uplift humanity through simple, compelling story-telling.